Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Erectile Dysfunction Clinic Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction? - erectile dysfunction clinic

"I am cause of high blood pressure and allopathic medicines erectile dysfunction patients in the last few months .. Can anyone suggest a means other than allopathic drugs


Dr. Kyron MacMannis said...

Should you ask: Why is the use of allopathic medicines to treat high blood pressure?

No wonder you have erectile dysfunction, and in fact the least of their concerns were.

Why not visit a doctor who can recommend a better deal for you?

ec_tank said...

DE is the drug or blood pressure? Both may be true.

1) Try to arginine. This will help both conditions. The only brand I know is RG-MAX by Nature's Sunshine. If you pass the name of Sunshine of Nature, could see that it works. It has several components that you need. Always talk to your MD if you take a supplement because you never know, prescription drugs, responding like crazy. More importantly, a second opinion from a doc who does not trust you as a patient in order to put money in his pocket.

2) You can also try acupuncture. I've heard that this is an aid to erectile dysfunction.

3) What with the huge increase in requests for homeopathy and naturopathy, there is a population large enough number of naturopathic doctors. Get the search of one. It seems right in your driveway.

If you decide to Route 3, go to visit a good idea, traditional healers and scientists, all you could be. Ask the advice of the two will give you the opportunity to make an informed decision.

Let me know how it goes. This question is something that I talk a lot, with a masseur.

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